Jazz team ensures uninterrupted connectivity for flood victims

Kasur Floods

Rapid response of Jazz team in the flood stricken areas of Kasur kept the locals connected during high floods.

According to details, Jazz’s Dhoop Sari tower is the only mobile tower in the area providing connectivity to Dhoop Sari and its neighboring areas including Chanda Sang, Pakhu Wand, Mahi Wala, and more.

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The tower had been running on generator as power was out for two days. With fuel running out, the generator was soon to stop working which would disconnect the only mobile tower in the area.

Jazz team, with the support of rescue workers, acted swiftly to supply fuel to the tower and keep the services running uninterruptedly.

It’s important to note that any disruption in connectivity would render the locals trapped in high floods unable to communicate with rescue teams for their safety.


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