Jahfeeil is changing R&B with New Trends

Jahfeeil is changing R&B with New Trends
Jahfeeil is changing R&B with New Trends

Jahfeeil’s music is not your typical R&B. He mixes different sounds to create something fresh. Whether it’s the cool vibes of “Just A Friend” or the recent hits like “Honey Cotton Candy” and “I Meant You No Harm,” each song shows a different side of his music.

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He doesn’t just do solo stuff; Jahfeeil collaborates with other artists. Legends like Mayfield, Hendrix, Marley, Legend, and the Isley Brothers influence his music.

What’s cool is that his songs aren’t just liked locally in Houston – they’re hitting the global charts. From redoing Bill Withers’ “Lovely Day” to hits like “Take It Off” and “4Ever,” Jahfeeil’s music speaks a language that everyone understands, no matter where they’re from.

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