No fuel for unvaccinated people in Lahore after September 01

Lahore Fuel Supply

To motivate the citizens of the largest city of Punjab, the district administration of Lahore has taken a sterner decision to stop providing fuel from petrol pumps to people in Lahore who remain unvaccinated after 31 August. Notice in regard has been displayed on the petrol pumps around the city.

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No petrol for the unvaccinated people reads the banners displayed on petrol pumps. People at large have appreciated the move taken by the local government of Lahore and Punjab.

Approximately 65,000 people are getting vaccinated on daily basis, however, restrictions imposed due to Covid-19 will not be relaxed until the target of vaccinating 70% of the population has not been achieved.

Furthermore, Punjab Health Department and the City District Government jointly launched mobile vaccination units under the ‘Lahore gets vaccinated Campain’

Under the campaign, 11 mobile vaccination units were started in five towns of the city in partnership with PSO and a welfare organization HANDS. The initiative would help achieve vaccination of 40 percent of the province’s population

Yasmin Rashid, Minister for Health, Govt of Punjab said, “Among the vaccinated people, the ratio of getting critically ill was negligible while 95pc of patients in the intensive care units were unvaccinated. Just a few days earlier, 36 out of 37 patients on ventilators were unvaccinated and vaccination was going to be the main factor in controlling the pandemic.

Minister further said the positivity ratio was usually on the higher side in Lahore, hence the focus was on megacities. Lahore Commissioner Mr. Younis urged all the people to get vaccinated for the safety of their elders and children before Aug 30 and the vaccination capacity was being enhanced on a daily basis.

Asad Umer Statement

Vaccination has been made mandatory for air travel after September 30 while those working in schools, transportation must take their doses before the date.

He had said that the government is taking steps to curb the virus spread for which vaccination is important, adding that a single dose vaccination is necessary for traveling on highways after September 15, while after October 15, no one will be allowed to use the motorway without vaccination.

Shopping malls

Unvaccinated people will not be allowed to enter the shopping malls from August 31, he had said, adding that a single dose vaccination will be mandatory for entry in the malls after the date.

From September 30, only those people who will have taken their both jabs will be allowed to enter the shopping malls, he had added.

Hotels and Restaurants

Only those people who have taken one jab will be allowed to enter the hotels from August 31 while complete vaccination will be mandatory for entry from September 30.

Marriage ceremonies

Those who have not taken their two jabs will not be allowed to attend marriage ceremonies whether it is indoor or outdoor after September 30.


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