Pakistan is facing food and nutritional insecurity challenges: Fakhar Imam


Federal Minister of National Food Security and Research Syed Fakhar Imam addressed the United Nations – States Food Systems Pre – Summit 2021.

Federal Minister for National Food and Security Syed Fakhar Imam said that Pakistan is facing food and nutritional insecurity challenges for its population of above 215 million. It is costing us US $ 7.6 billion annually or 3% of our national GDP. Minister said that Pakistan agriculture sector’s share in national GDP is 19.2% which is a lifeline of national economy from many perspectives.

Fakhar said that Pakistan is blessed with diversified climate making 10 highly diversified agro-ecologies available. The country has 23 million hactres of cultivable land, 1000 km of costal line with 3 big dams and more than 100 small dams. All this signifies that system-based approach is more appropriate for us.

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Federal Minister said Pakistan considers UNFSS-2021 as an opportunity to review progress on SDGs and meeting the challenges in achieving zero hunger through establishing robust partnerships and coalitions. He said Pakistan has prepared Working Papers on all five Action Tracks through all-inclusive consultative process and have chalked out action plans to implement its proposed “Game Changing Solutions”.

Fakhar reaffirmed that Pakistan intends to enhance diversified food production in all agro-ecologies, minimizing post-harvest losses and promoting kitchen gardening and promoting value chains. Furthermore, Pakistan also wants to promote organic farming, cultivation of green manure crops, use of resource conservation technologies, build the capacity of all stakeholders and the SMEs and also focus on building resilience through devising innovative site-specific technologies. Minister said that the underlying intension is to shift our consumers from staple cereals dominated diets to sustainable diversified and healthy consumption patterns.

He concluded his address by saying that he was pleased to mention that Government of Pakistan has set-up Agriculture Innovation Fund. Fakhar said that he would like to appreciate great support from the partners including PARC, FAO, GAIN, IFAD and WFP.

Finally, he reaffirmed that Prime Minister Imran Khan and his team is committed towards achieving zero hunger and other SDGs.



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