Hyderabad Customs burn illegal products worth millions

cigarettes, betel nuts, Gutka, vodka, hashish.

The Collectorate of Customs Hyderabad incinerated a large quantity of illegal products and narcotics recovered by its field units from various parts of the region.

According to a Collectorate Customs official, the seized illicit items and drugs included 38,170 sticks of cigarettes, 42.5 tonnes of betel nuts, 138,700 pouches of Gutka, 14 bottles of vodka, and 10 kilograms of hashish.

At the time of the burning of the seized illegal products and narcotics, representatives from all relevant departments, including the judiciary, district administration, police, Rangers, FIA, IB, and EPA, were also present.

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Meanwhile, the Collectorate of Customs has launched a crackdown on all types of smuggled/contraband products and narcotics, according to the spokesman.

Through a network of informers, frantic efforts were undertaken to enter smuggling groups. Efforts were also made to engage other law enforcement and intelligence organizations in order to make strides in the confiscation of contraband and the interdiction of narcotics, according to the spokesman.

In this regard, he stated that the Collector of Customs assigned unique tasks to various field units in order to increase vigilance and maintain a high level of alertness. Seizures in the first quarter reached record highs as a result of the collector’s proactive approach and the efforts of the staff, according to the spokesman.

He went on to say that their tireless efforts culminated in the recovery of a large amount of narcotics, including 650 kgs of hashish (charas), 120 kgs of opium, and 650 grams of heroin.

He also stated that attempts were being made to combat the new practice of smuggling illicit commodities using courier services.

In one such instance, he stated that on October 13, 2021, the ASO team, led by the inspector in-charge, visited a well-known courier service business in Mirpurkhas and successfully seized 60 bags of kutch slab totaling 1,800 kgs.

The confiscated commodities have a market worth of around Rs2 million rupees. An inquiry into the role of the courier firm and the alleged parties is currently underway.


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