Haleeb Foods starts plantation at National Highway

HFL Plantation Drive

Haleeb Foods Limited has started a plantation in support of the Prime Minister’s Clean Green Pakistan initiative and aims to plant saplings and maintain a 500 sq ft greenbelt along with the national highway network on Multan road. Under this plantation drive, Haleeb Foods will plant hundreds of indigenous tree saplings at the front of the Bhai Pheru Plant.

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Talking on the Occasion, Syed Mazher Iqbal CEO – HFL said “We believe in giving back in order to make a positive impact on communities we operate in. Trees’ contributions to this planet range from carbon storage and soil conservation to water cycle regulation. This initiative aims to enhance its green cover to make the environment more sustainable. Tree saplings will secure our environment from climate effects and it will restore the beauty of Pakistan’s National highway”.

With its commitment to ‘Clean Green Pakistan’ initiative, Haleeb Foods is paving the way for a sustainable environment by launching this tree plantation drive. Advancing the initiative, recycled water of HFL plant will be used in the development of the NHA green belt.



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