Easypaisa’s 3D Anamorphic Display Quickly Draw Millions of People’s Attention


The trend of introducing innovation to advertising methods is growing every day throughout the world, and it was eagerly anticipated when, how, and most importantly, who will break through Pakistan’s weak wall of traditional advertising.

Many Multinational Companies in Pakistan proudly proclaim that they are transforming the lives of their customers in many ways, yet these claims are frequently proven false. However, With the nation’s first 3D Anamorphic Advertisement Display, Telenor Microfinance Bank’s flagship brand Easypaisa has accomplished what no other firm in Pakistan has done before.

Relevant Read: Easypaisa Partners with FBISE to Facilitate Digital Fee Payments

An anamorphic display creates an immersive experience that brings graphics to life by combining 3D animations with depth and perceptual illusion. Easypaisa has certainly excelled itself by providing traditional advertising with not one, but three additional aspects. The stunning images were generated as a bright 3D animation that played on all sides of a cubical billboard. The displays were installed key locations such as Shahrah e Faisal Karachi and Faizabad Interchange in Islamabad.

More than 3.76 million people were reached as a result of the campaign, including half a million on-ground interceptions and 100,000 television exposures. The company’s social media outreach surpassed 1.9 million impressions, confirming its position at the vanguard of innovation. A total of 145,000 views of the publication, 997,000 Twitter impressions, and 15,000 comments were received through social media outlets.

To see the ad campaign, go to the following link:

No one does it better than Easypaisa when it comes to leading by example. Just last year, Easypaisa earned five gold, one silver, and a bronze Effie awards in recognition of the company’s brilliant marketing campaigns.  Easypaisa is altering lives and giving people with the skills they need to thrive in the Digital Pakistan via technological innovation. Easypaisa is genuinely in the driver’s seat on all fronts.


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