Doctors Save Young Patient’s Life by Removing Scarf Pin from Lung

Needle in Lungs

Doctors at Lahore General Hospital successfully saved the life of a young patient from Azad Kashmir by removing a needle lodged in her lung. The medical team, led by Pulmonologist Dr. Irfan Malik, acted swiftly to address the critical situation.

22-year-old Tasmia Fatimah arrived at Lahore General Hospital with complaints of difficulty in breathing, chest pain, and discomfort in her lung. Dr. Irfan Malik and his team conducted thorough examinations and diagnostic tests to determine the cause of her symptoms.

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An X-ray revealed the presence of a scarf pin inside her lung, causing significant distress and potentially life-threatening complications. Tasmia shared that three days prior, while adjusting her hijab, the pin accidentally slipped into her mouth and ended up in her stomach.

With the utmost care and using advanced technology, the doctors at Lahore General Hospital skillfully removed the pin from Tasmia’s right lung. Notably, the procedure was performed without the need for anesthesia, showcasing the expertise and precision of the medical team.

Following the successful intervention, Tasmia’s health condition improved significantly, and she is currently in a satisfactory state of health. The prompt response and effective treatment provided by the doctors at Lahore General Hospital saved her life and ensured her well-being.

This life-saving intervention serves as a testament to the exceptional medical expertise and commitment of the healthcare professionals at Lahore General Hospital. Their relentless efforts in providing timely and efficient care are instrumental in saving lives and offering hope to patients in need.

The case of Tasmia Fatimah highlights the importance of seeking medical attention for any unusual symptoms or discomfort promptly. The dedicated medical professionals at Lahore General Hospital stand ready to provide high-quality healthcare services and make a positive impact on the lives of individuals in need.


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