Exclusive: Irfan’s Farewell Note Reflects on Transformative Journey at Telenor Pakistan

Irfan Wahab Telenor Pakistan

In a heartfelt farewell note, the outgoing CEO of Telenor Pakistan, Irfan Wahab Khan, bid adieu to his role after seven remarkable years. The note, addressed to colleagues, resonated with gratitude, reflection, and a shared commitment to the future of Telenor Pakistan.

Wahab’s note reflected on the journey he embarked on since joining Telenor Pakistan in 2004. He acknowledged that the organization held the promise of something exceptional, fostering innovation, dedication, and a challenge to conventional norms. The CEO’s guiding vision was to empower Pakistan through a common sense of purpose, leading to the transformation of telecom and digital landscapes.

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Drawing inspiration from Robert Frost’s words, “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference,” Wahab emphasized the unconventional path they embraced, resulting in the redefinition of Pakistan’s telecom sector. Each achievement, innovation, and life touched held a special place in his heart, recognizing the collective magic of every team member within the organization.

Irfan Wahab Khan Last Note as CEO Telenor Pakistan Reads As:

The time has come for me to bid farewell to the role of CEO at Telenor Pakistan, after a long stint of seven years, and while this is a moment of transition, it’s also an opportunity to express my deep gratitude and reflect on the incredible journey we’ve shared as one team, united by a common purpose and dare I say, passion.

From the day I joined TP in 2004, it was evident that I was becoming part of something truly exceptional. Through the years, we’ve fostered an identity that has fueled innovation, sheer dedication, and challenged the status quo driven by a common sense of purpose which is empowering Pakistan. We’ve journeyed together, witnessing our aspirations turn into reality, surmounting challenges, celebrating triumphs, and in the process impacting millions of lives.

Reflecting on our journey, I’m reminded of Robert Frost’s words, “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” Our route may not have been conventional, yet it led us to redefine Pakistan’s telecom and digital landscape. Every milestone we’ve achieved, every innovation we’ve pioneered, and every life we’ve touched holds a special place in my heart because it was all of you creating your magic in every corner of this vibrant organization.

This chapter of my life has been a reflection of a belief that great leadership isn’t about commanding from above, but about inspiring from within. It’s about empowering each and every employee and ensuring that the role of a leader is to make more leaders. From the very beginning, my belief in the power of people and the potential of these ‘connections’ have been the guiding force behind every decision, aspiration and achievement. It has been a privilege for me to watch our talent groomed as leaders, individuals growing up to take more challenging roles, not only in TP but across Telenor and beyond.

Now I entrust this responsibility to Khurrum Ashfaque, our homegrown talent who embodies the same values, dedication, and commitment. I wish him the best of luck, knowing you’ll offer him the support you’ve given me. Khurrum assumes the role of CEO Telenor Pakistan on 15th September.

This is not a farewell. It’s simply a turn in the road, a continuation of our journey together. Even though my role may change, my commitment to and my love for Telenor Pakistan remains unshaken. I want you all to know that I will always be just a phone call away. Whether you need advice, a sounding board, or simply a friendly chat, I’m here for you.

In closing, I want to remind you that we’re in this beautiful business where our customers expect more from us and we have a huge responsibility and opportunity to play a pivotal role in building “Digital Pakistan” and I urge you to rise above any hindrances and embrace conscious positivity. While uncharted waters might seem daunting, it’s vital to pave a path defined by determination and eventual success.

Thank you, each one of you, for being a pivotal part of this journey. Our collective spirit will continue propelling our shared successes, and I look forward to witnessing the remarkable impact you’ll continue to make.

With gratitude and anticipation for what lies ahead.

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